Critical Care & Pulmonology

Critical Care & Pulmonology

Satva Hospital's critical care faculty has a specialized team of professionals with years of expertise who treat and manage even the most critically ill patients using a multidisciplinary approach. Our hospital has a ten-bed intensive care unit (ICU) with dialysis accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week, which helps our critical care team to handle a wide range of medical emergencies, including multiple organ failures and severe traumatic injuries. Our critical care department's key objective is to use the most advanced and sophisticated therapeutic and diagnostic techniques to minimize organ system failure and improve our patients' situations.

Satva Hospital

Satva Hospital aspires to provide every essential medical assistance, even during the most inconvenient hours of the day and critical times. So, none of our patients should have to wait for their healing.

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Contact Us

Satva hospital, Near Surya green view, GD Goenka Canal Road, Vesu, Surat-395007

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