Chikungunya Fever: Things you should know

Chikungunya Fever: Things you should know

An infamous viral infection that has caused many outbreaks around the globe is back on serge again. The world has seen multiple outbreaks and pandemics in different countries in the past 60 years because of this viral infection known as Chikungunya. The first-ever pandemic of Chikungunya was recorded in 1952 in the African country named Tanzania, followed by multiple outbreaks in different continents like Asia, Europe, and Africa. Aside from the past records, Chikungunya is still a prominent viral infection that keeps getting spread once a year, especially in the rainy season.

Reason behind this Chikungunya outbreak

Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is the reason behind this viral infection, which is transmitted from one man to another through a mosquito named Aedes aegypti. After the mosquito bite generally, it may take 1 to 12 days before the onset of the symptoms, but the high fever can be seen just in a couple of days. During this phase, the patient experiences ample symptoms with high fever such as,

  • Severe and recurrent Headache
  • Severe Joint pain- that continue to rise as the days passes
  • Noticeable joint swelling 
  • Rashes on the Entire body
  • Red eyes, also known as conjunctivitis

With essential care, most of the patients get fully recovered. But in some cases, patients suffer for several months or even face various complications related to their eyes, brain, and heart. 

Things that can help you deal with Chikungunya Fever

  • Rest a lot to recover faster
  • Drink lots of fluid to avoid dehydration
  • Medication to counter symptoms (symptomatic treatment)

Note: Follow your doctor's instructions for taking medicine, and inform him before taking medicine for other medical conditions.

Prevention, to minimize the chances of mosquito bites

  • Wear long sleeves to cover your skin as possible
  • Apply skin repellent to the exposed skin
  • Clear accumulated water around the house

Currently, there is neither vaccine nor specific medication available against the chikungunya virus. Hence, the treatment is focused on relieving symptoms.

As we’re still not close to any vaccination that can help you with chikungunya, prevention is the best way possible to keep us and our loved ones safe. Keep following the measures we mentioned above to avoid complications of any kind. And take expert medical assistance to heal faster.

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Satva Hospital aspires to provide every essential medical assistance, even during the most inconvenient hours of the day and critical times. So, none of our patients should have to wait for their healing.

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